Lets hold one another accountable! (see video)


πŸ–€ Be patient and compassionate
πŸ–€ Hold one another accountable
πŸ–€ Get connected
πŸ–€ Take Action



Its Ok NOT to be ok! (see video)


πŸ–€It’s ok to not be ok…
πŸ–€Tap into your resilience and faith…
πŸ–€Take action…
πŸ–€Ally’s Step up…



Make the vision clear! Then go to work!

Why wait until the New Year to begin working on your goals?

You can start now! But first it must start with a plan!

I am the Master at Goal setting and High Productivity!

From balancing grant writing, Directing non profit programs, traveling out the country, working with clients, to ministering, hosting events, and being an engaged wife and mother… I think I’m well qualified to show you my tips and tricks to how I’m so productive while balancing it all!

Welcome to Contesa's World!